weird girl

Dear Lily,

Hi. I'm a teen girl and there is something bad happening (I think). so basically there's this weird girl at school that thinks me and my group are friends with her. but she makes me uncomfortable. she touched my thigh once and said "jiggly" and also elbowed my, uhm, cherry and said it was squishy. I know if I tell an adult at school they'll never believe me because they always are on this weird girl's side. What do I do?


dear Help!, This weird girl, Is well, weird. honestly, I know that the adults at school won't believe you, but maybe a parent or trusted adult will? also avoid weird girl at all costs. some people are just creeps. Also, based on the age submitted (i can't share) it seems like you are pretty young to deal with this. good luck!

-Lily :)


I think I know who you are